Welcome to the other side of the coin

Be part of the world changing community that actually works.

We are not donating money but using the carecoins you have contributed, to provide vital services.

You can't unsee what you've seen, you can't unhear what you've heard.

Many frontline workers for charities such as care workers, those fighting domestic abuse, child trafficking, human rights, animal welfare, see and hear traumatic events. We provide them all direct access to mental health training, support and ongoing therapy.

We are here to support those that support our communities

Carecoins are a transparent way to make sure all monies used to purchase donated carecoins have been, 100% used to support the charities chosen by the corecoins community whilst providing fair wages to those providing the support.

Why Carecoins community?

100% transparent with all donated coins being used for the cause.
We believe in transparency and honesty in everything we do. Every euro you contribute is properly allocated to support our projects.
We have over 100 experts in our team.
With our rich history and experience, we have witnessed many positive changes in people's lives as a result of our work.
Carecoins are so versatile
Carecoins are a digital way of having a currency that can be spent on mental health services. All sorts of services can be accessed.
Working with Carecoins has made me a part of endless stories, of human generosity, of compassion. It changed the way I look at life.  It is the need of the hour to stand up and take responsibility.
- Julian Luther, Philanthropist
Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value
- Robert Hurray, Marketing Manager
Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value
- Julia Hanks, Marketing Manager

Let´s be in touch

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